Aji Amarillo chilli

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Aji Amarillo chilli

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The Aji Amarillo originates from Peru. The Incas used this chilli pepper not only in dishes, but also as icons in their art and religion. The Aji Amarillo is still popular in Peruvian cuisine, but also in surrounding countries such as Bolivia. Aji in Spanish means pepper and Amarillo means yellow, which is why it is also called Aji Yellow. Yet the Aji Amarillo is really bright orange in color. It has a firm smooth skin with a juicy texture.

The Aji Amarillo is a mild hot pepper with a Scoville heat between 40,000 – 50,000. The heat in the mouth quickly diminishes. It has a strong taste with a fruity aroma.


*) Based on North Western European climate conditions.


Contact our specialists, to order the Aji Amarillo pepper seeds or if you want to receive more information.

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