Breeding by design

There are multiple breeding companies in the world. All of these companies aim to make new, improved varieties. During the selection and introduction of a variety there is usually a focus on predefined countries, regions or continents: a ‘standard’ variety is created that can be used by all growers. Eminent Seeds is not an exception…

Jalapeño: our Mexican winner

The jalapeño is a medium-sized, mildly pungent chili pepper that is used in many dishes. We also have a jalapeño in our assortment. Our pepper breeder has a breeding program for this popular pepper, so far resulting in a hybrid cultivar with several unique traits. Our jalapeño (PE17-1163) is suitable for greenhouse and open field…

Tinkerbell is available worldwide!

Our Tinkerbell is available now in 6 splendid colours (red, yellow, orange, purple and lemon yellow). The baby block pepper is grown by only a few growers around the world, the reason being that it is one of our licenced products. If you are interested in this product we have some good news for you.…

Our co-operation with Vineland

In October 2019 it was officially announced that Eminent Seeds and Vineland Research & Innovation center will be working together. The cooperation is focused on developing, promoting and selling tomato varieties for specific growing areas. Ever since this has become known publicly we have started promoting and selling the new varieties from Vineland. This includes…

Our best chili pepper varieties

There are thousands of different chilli peppers to be found around the world. Variations in colour, size, shape and of course heat. In our breeding department we have been working for many years on improving different types of chilli peppers, and on the development of new hybrid varieties. Eminent Seeds is known in the market…